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Installation: Out of a house walked a plant... 

An immersive mixed media performance and installation was a part of the Antibodies Exhibition at Maketank October 23-31, 2021. It questioned the ethics and the consequences of exploiting plants as antibody factories. Over 30 years ago, plants were first considered as a potential hosts for producing antibodies and the word ‘plantibody’ emerged. A plantibody is an antibody that is produced by plants that have been genetically engineered with animal or human DNA encoding a specific human antibody known to neutralize a particular pathogen or toxin. This project was immersive, evolving and changing.  Visitors might have witnessed "laborants" testing, adding, subtracting, fusing, building the site.  What they saw one day changed the next.


Artists - Annie Murdock, Bryan Brown, Johanna Korndorfer and Olya Petrakova

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