Tue, 23 May
Pint of Science: Looking inside: x-rays, coronas, and the human body
This night is all about looking into those places that like to remain hidden, whilst finding new ways of looking at things!
Time & Location
23 May 2023, 19:30 – 21:30
Maketank, 3-5 Paris St, Exeter EX1 2JB, UK
About the event
This night is all about looking into those places that like to remain hidden, whilst finding new ways of looking at things! Dr David Newman will tell you about using x-rays for more than just medicine, Prof. Andrew Hillier will show you how we look at our sun and how that’s changing our understanding of solar physics. Finally, to wrap up this night, we will have a special session of three ‘micro’ talks. At just 7 minutes long, presenters will explain one idea from microscopy, quantum optics, and mechanics - with a chance for you, the audience, to quiz them in a panel Q&A session at the end.
Tickets at https://pintofscience.co.uk/event/looking-inside-x-rays-coronas-and-the-human-body
X-rays mark the spot: Finding new magnetic systems
David Newman (Public Engagement Manager, EPSRC UK Metamaterials Network) @DGNewman13
If you have ever broken a bone or even just watched a lot of medical dramas, you will probably have seen x-rays and might have assumed that they are only useful for looking inside the body. In this talk, I am going to show you that x-rays can be used for even more and explain how we use them to study fascinating new magnetic materials and devices.
Heating the Solar Corona - How cool clouds in the solar atmosphere tell us about coronal heatingAndrew Hillier (Associate Professor in the Centre for Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics)
The Sun's atmosphere is made up of multiple layers with the outer layer, the solar corona, providing one of the longstanding mysteries of solar physics: Why does the solar atmosphere get hotter as you go further out? The corona at 1 million degrees is 100 times hotter than the lowest layer. The big question is why? Observations show that the corona is a mix of 1 million degree material surrounding much cooler clouds with material constantly heating then cooling. I will talk about how this happens and how it may connect to an answer to the heating mystery.
Flash talks and Q&A sessionCallum Jones (PhD Student) Hannah Barnard (PhD Student) Valentin Haemmerli (Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Quantum Photonics) @Ha9584
Ever wondered how metamaterials help us discover more about how proteins behave in the body? Or how we can make photons to discover more about light? Join us for this quick-fire session where our three speakers will have 7 minutes each to amaze you with new discoveries in their research. You will have the chance to ask any questions you have about their research in a Q&A session that will follow. Grab a ticket, learn something new and test some knowledge!