Sat, 25 Sept
Agile Rabbit: Pop-up Shop of Science and Culture
A celebration of bonkers discovery and intriguing culture, Agile Rabbit is bringing a shop full of science, mayhem, music and more to the centre of Exeter. It’s just for one day and it’s all free entry.
Time & Location
25 Sept 2021, 10:00 – 16:00
MakeTank, 5 Paris St, Exeter EX1 2JB, UK
About the event
Imagineers, engineers, and balladeers - common over! A celebration of bonkers discovery and intriguing culture, Agile Rabbit is bringing a shop full of science, mayhem, music and more to the centre of Exeter. It’s just for one day and it’s all free entry.
Music, theatre, guided walks, demonstrations, talks, workshops, and even robots bring to life the brilliant work that happens at the University of Exeter.
This will be a great chance for curious minds to meet scientists, artists, musicians, historians, doctors, mathematicians, and more...
This event is part of Future2021
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101036029
Why did the chicken cross the world?
Handle ancient chicken skeletons and chat to archaeologists at this special interactive display. Chickens lived significantly longer in the Iron Age, Roman era and Saxon period because they were seen as sacred. The findings came after researchers led from the University of Exeter developed the first method for reliably finding the age of fowl that lived thousands of years ago.
Suntou Susso: Kora Player
Kora player, percussionist, singer and composer, Suntou Susso is from the Gambia, and will be performing two solo concerts. Born a Griot in a 700-year old tradition, the Kora - harp-lute with 22 strings - is unique to the Mandinka people.
Robots and Pigeons
Hear about a new study of pigeons which revealed that they flock together away from predators, rather than for selfish interest. The research even involved using a robotic peregrine falcon, known as RoboFalcon, as a controlled predator amongst pigeons.
Live Window Graffiti
The work of artist Steve McCracken has intrigued the people of Exeter and East Devon; paintings of birds appear in unlikely and forgotten places. He’ll be creating a beautiful painting across the window of Make Tank gallery, live and in front of your eyes to celebrate research and the EU.
The Social Life of Jackdaws
Jackdaws are an extremely sociable and intelligent species, with a similar number of neurons in their brains to primates. In this short talk, scientist Beki Hooper will reveal jackdaws’ impressive levels of social intelligence and their ability to learn about dangerous people.
Worms in Space.
Use microscopes to compare healthy ‘Earth’ worms to unhealthy ’Space’ worms. Visitors can build specialised cassettes used to house the worms on their trip to the International Space Station. We also have existing flight hardware from previous spaceflight missions!
How the Ancient Greeks Can Improve Your Health
Written 1800 years ago, Galen's medical system was the basis of Western and Islamic Medicine for 1600 years. Might Galen's healthy living be useful for us in the 21st century? Join Professor John Wilkins to consider Galen’s advice.
The Marshmallow-spaghetti challenge
Would you like to extend your idea of play and playfulness in relation to education? Join Dr Maarten Koeners for a conversation about the biology of play and its power to strengthen the link between joy and learning. You’ll also have the chance to enter a competition to build a tower with marshmallows and spaghetti!
I discovered new Rock Art
Join Professor Jose Iriarte to hear about recently found ancient rock art in the Amazon rainforest picturing giant Ice Age creatures. Thousands of paintings were found in the last few years on three rock shelters on the northern edge of the Colombian Amazon.
Yoga & Your Body
Join a fun yoga session that is also a talk event, exploring yoga, health and your body. University of Exeter social scientist Gemma Lucas and Yogi teacher Nikkie Huddart discuss the latest research on how yoga affects people’s relationships with their bodies, while you do the moves!
Do you fall for Fake News?
Hear about the latest research by Professor Jason Reifler into Fake News. How does the perception of your own ability affect how you process news? Find out if you are likely to fall for Fake News or if you are more discerning!
Travelling into Green Futures
How do we get where we need to go without damaging the planet? Professor Chris Smith wants to make all the things that move about in the world, from boats and cars to cranes and planes, carbon-free. Join Chris on a clean, green journey as he explores some fascinating case studies, showing how changing our power systems isn’t as straightforward as it seems.
Writings on the Walls: Graffiti's Role in Past Communities
Join Crystal Hollis as she shares her passion for historic graffiti and what it meant to the people of the past. Historic graffiti has the power to bring the past alive, demonstrating people's hopes, fears, and place in their community.
Towards Resilience
How can we embark on a journey towards resilience? How is inner strength a practice, rather than a given? In this interactive workshop, Dr. Adarves-Yorno, shares her latest explorations into mindfulness and the power of social identity so that we might live better lives.
The Medieval Warhorse
The medieval warhorse is iconic in representing warfare in the age of chivalry, and they are much depicted in films and popular imagery. But what were medieval warhorses really like? This interactive exhibit brings to life the "Warhorse" project, which is combining cutting edge science, with archaeology and history.
Playful University
The Playful University project makes the University a place where learning is created and nurtured through joy, engagement and play. Where learning to solve problems and overcome obstacles are rewards in their own right.Will you come and play a game with us?
Live jazz with Philip Clouts and Charlie Hearnshaw
Jazz pianist Philip Clouts was born in Cape Town and the music of his homeland has stayed with him while soaking up Caribbean calypso and the soulful strains of the Indian subcontinent.
Spinal Tapping
Using life size spine models, discover ground-breaking spine facts that reveal why loads and movement are essential to improve and maintain the health of your back.
Scientists from the University of Exeter will show you how your spine works, and what is going wrong when there is damage.
Who do we think you are? Online social identity detection
In an interactive exhibit, Miriam will guide you through a world of digital fingerprints, style shifting, and identity deception and explain what your last social media post may reveal about you, and whether such models can be used for “good”.
Healthcare and Maths
See how maths and technology work together to measure and predict your movements and brain activity. Recordings from such technology hold clues to a person's health. These patterns could help diagnose and treat illness in the body and brain.
Diagnose the NHS
Come along to this interactive GP surgery where you are the doctor and the NHS is on the examination couch! This playful installation is suitable for all ages, where you can roleplay as a doctor and share your views.
Hear about the work of the Translational Research Exchange @ Exeter (TREE) is an innovative programme designed to build research links between biomedical and clinical research.